Right time to switch to E-learning?
Now! Yes no any time is better than “now” to embark on something immediately for a good cause. We can never say that E-learning (Electronic- learning) is an ill-practice. We have always known the fact that how important e-learning can be some day in near future to all of us. But we took a little long to realize this fact.

The time has come, Pandemic has hit! We have always known the power of online studying but pandemic has made all of us realize the fact. We are now supposed to be ready to meet the expected changes. Things are changing, people are changing, surroundings and techniques are changing every day. We all have always trusted one fact about studying that it can be done in real world only. This was a practice which people use to follow and believe when technology and internet was not there. Now, with the presence of technology and internet in our world all of us should believe in the power of E-learning.
Quality is the thing that matters everywhere, this does not mean that if we have switched to online learning as it is the need of the hour. So we are ready to compromise on the quality of education, that too education! Edukit is here to help you with all your E-learning issues.
Why E-learning?
· For Parents and Students-
1. Need of the hour! We can not deny the truth that we have to switch to E-learning because the pandemic is directly or indirectly making us do that. Sending our children to schools for getting education in the school premises is not safe at all we are not left with any other option.
2. We must make good use of time. Pandemic has already made us waste our so much time. Now COVID-19 is the part of our lives we can not continue wasting our time. We must learn utilizing our times by staying at our homes.
3. The only safe option left for studying. Of course! The only good option left to continue our studies by staying at home is E-learning. We as Edukit have all your online learning solutions to the questions that are hampering you while studying.

· For Teachers, Schools, Institutes-
1. Business is online, pandemic has made all of the learners, whether kids or elder ones shift their focus from real world to online. And so it is the need of the hour to for the teachers and schools also to come online and spread their knowledge.
2. Tracking each student’s progress report is easy. We at Edukit (https://edukitapp.com/), are here to help you through our app. You can keep track of each children. Teacher’s can post the homework, update regarding the student’s progress. Following which all of the parents can read and have direct contact with the teachers and school.
3. Being smart is the new requirement, Yes of course! With the passage of each single day the competition is rising and reaching to even higher level. With the increment in the level of competition it is the need to stay updated with the world otherwise leaving behind in the growing competition is not that tough.

Conclusion- All what we are going through is what nobody has expected. And so now is the good time to switch to start with E-learning. Pandemic has made all of us realize the importance all those things which we thought we are never going to focus on. Switch! Now is the good time, We Edukit (https://edukitapp.com/), are here to help, already.